2017 Svitek Grant Summer Camp Program Great Success
In April the Conservancy received a $3,000 grant from the Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation. The grant was for a new 2017 summer camp program at the Preserve. The funds were for an intern, and to purchase binoculars and dip nets for campers to use when they visit the Preserve.
The Conservancy congratulates the Preserve team and intern for a great program! Below is more on the program including photos, camper testimonials, and link to a video.
This program was such a success we would like to continue and expand it in 2018 but need your help. If you would like to contribute, please donate at the link below. In the remarks box note your donation is for the 2018 summer camp program.
DONATE to the 2018 summer camp program. Thank you!
Some 2017 summer program highlights:
- The West Palm Beach campers were 6th-8th graders, from the Gaines Park Boys Camp, Gaines Park Girls Camp, and Vedado Park Camp.
- Each camp had a pre-visit to introduce the campers to the Preserve and to do an environmental activity, then the field trip to the Preserve, and last a post-visit to the camp to discuss the experience and do another environmental activity.
- At the Preserve, the campers participated in canoeing, dip netting and swamp tromps. For most these were first time experiences.
- The program intern was Rachel Martinez, a junior from the University of Florida majoring in Environmental Science.
“My favorite activity at Grassy Waters was canoeing…because it was my first time and a once in a lifetime experience.” Kevin, Gaines Park Boys Camper
“It was really nice seeing all the different animals and plants that live at Grassy Waters Preserve. I learned a lot like where our [drinking] water comes from and…the role that all the different animals and plants play in our environment.” Amanda, Vedado Park Camper
“I went to Grassy Waters Preserve with my class and had the most amazing experience. It was so much fun! We learned about the Snail Kite an endangered bird that eats only snails called Apple Snails. At Grassy Waters we went canoeing and dip netting. When we went dip netting we saw all kinds of bugs. My favorite part of my adventure was dipnetting. At first, I was afraid, but then I loved it.” A Gaines Park Girls Camper
DONATE to the 2018 summer camp program. Thank you!