October 2023 Grassy Waters Newsletter
Grassy Waters News October 2023
Supporting the Everglades in West Palm Beach
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit
email: [email protected]
It has been a busy summer here at Grassy Waters Preserve. Students from West Palm Beach Came to the preserve to paddle, walk the boardwalk, tromp the swamp, and dipnet.
Thanks to your support and the Kate Svitek Memorial Foundation, Garrett Goossens and Olivia Benson joined the education team. As part of their experience, both of our summer interns became certified in Project Learning Tree and Project WILD, led 22 on-site, virtual, outreach summer camp programs, and completed 2 final projects to be used in the Preserve’s educational programming.
Olivia Benson created two “Young Explorers” backpack kits (one in English and one in Spanish). Teachers, home school groups, and parents will be able to borrow a kit to guide young children through three learning stations, each featuring age appropriate picture books and an assortment of hands-on learning activities.
Garret Goossens developed a new “Everglades-to-Go Classroom Kit” to engage middle and high school students in learning about dichotomous keys to identify Everglades animal species. The kit includes lesson plans , along with a collection of “biofacts” (fur, feathers, snake sheds, etc.). Teachers will be able to check out the kit when their classes visit.
Each of these projects were presented to members of the Grassy Waters Conservancy Board, volunteers, and staff.
Thanks to a grant from Ibis Charities, we received a new set of spotting Scopes. These are located at the end of the boardwalk. This is a perfect place to observe wildlife in the Preserve.
In Other News
Our web site is currently under construction. Clarkson University interns are working diligently to update the site. If all goes well we should be up and running in the near future.
Thanks to volunteers at Grassy Waters, we have had several plant “sales”. Visitors to Grassy Waters have walked away with plants for butterfly habitat – for a donation of $5.00 , $10.00, or $20.00. Our next “sale” is October 29th. This in conjunction with a “Planting for Wildlife” lecture at 2 PM. This is a free event, but reservations are required.
Get crafty with the “Everglades Embroidery Program”. Come learn introductory embroidery stitches and then create your own unique piece inspired by nature at Grassy Waters Preserve. No prior experience is necessary. A $20.00 donation covers all supplies and a take home starter kit. (Reservations are required).
The program will be offered on Sunday, November 12 from 2-4 PM and Thursday, November 16 from 6-8 PM. For reservations for this and other Grassy Waters programs, please call Grassy Waters at 561-804-4985. Don’t forget our Annual Photo Contest coming in February. Dates for guided “photo walks” will be announced shortly. You will need to be a member of our Photo Group to be invited to these special events.
Help Wanted
Currently, the Conservancy has a need for a membership coordinator, a social media representative to manage Facebook and Instagram postings, and a grant writer. If you have some time to spare, contact Vince Borghese at [email protected]. One final note- Please be sure to update/renew your membership.
That is all for now. We look forward to the fall and winter season.
Vince Borghese
Grassy Waters Conservancy