2021 Photo Contest Update

(March 13th, 2021) This past year has been difficult for all and we were uncertain how the annual contest would go. The Contest is a major Conservancy fundraising activity to support projects and programs at the Preserve, and we hoped for the best.
We are excited to report that the 2021 contest is one of the best ever.
115 of you participated, 80 of you entered 270 images, there were 4,045 votes for the People’s Choice, and donations totaled almost $5,700.
In the weeks ahead we will announce the winners and post them on the website.
In addition, we will determine what exhibitions will be possible.
As soon as more information is available we will contact the entrants.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]
Again, THANK YOU to all the 2021 Photo Contest participants.